Everton Phillips LLP provides advice to clients on the sale or acquisition of property investments and developments. We also provide Real Estate asset management services.

About us

Everton Phillips

We have advised institutions, property companies and private clients, concluding transactions with a total value in excess of £1,500,000,000.

We’ve built a unique reputation for making deals happen, by:

Leveraging our exclusive network of market relationships, to discreetly source and close opportunities – frequently off-market

To get our clients directly to the table with the key decision makers

Managing negotiations both rapidly and conclusively, to lock down the opportunity

Combining behind-the-scenes market knowledge and innovative deal structures, to create significant extra value for clients

Continually providing our clients with knowledge, news and insights, enabling them to stay ahead of the curve, and to access the widest possible range of quality opportunitiesfor clients

Our clients include: